How to share responsibilities between the board and the staff

The process of transferring tasks to subordinates should be constant, and not only during periods of the special workload of the project manager. In a team, the job responsibilities of each of its members should be spelled out, distributing tasks, management should be guided by the knowledge and experience of the employee, his potential.

Management work algorithms

The basic algorithm of the work of any leader is as follows:

But managers in the flow of affairs often begin to act in reverse order. By monitoring the execution of tasks, they find out that some work is being missed in time. They try to motivate or punish those who lag and, at best, encourage workaholics.

If the measures taken do not help, managers sometimes get to the “organization” stage. And very rarely do they seriously plan.

Scheduling the distribution of employee tasks

To solve any management problem, you must first narrow the field to select the best solution – this is an axiom. Since the range of tasks that the manager sets and distributes among his subordinates is determined by his managerial decisions, to narrow the choice, you can probably use the classification used in making managerial decisions.

First step

At the first stage, it is necessary to characterize the problem according to the following features:

  1. Significance of purpose and duration of action.
  2. Sphere of influence.
  3. The degree of recurrence of the problem.
  4. Frequency of occurrence.
  5. Number of alternatives.
  6. The degree of certainty of the situation.
  7. Solution Development Method.
  8. Number of selection criteria.
  9. Degree of uniqueness.
  10. Place and function in the management process.
  11. Reasons for making decisions.
  12. Decision maker personality type.

Second step

Next, you need to determine the estimated complexity of solving typical tasks – in man-hours or man-days. This should take into account the achieved level of labor productivity in organizations of a similar profile, as well as the fact that the employee must meet the qualification requirements for this position.

Third step

At this stage, you should, first of all, calculate and plan the time needed to solve program and seasonal tasks – all periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, once a year) recurring tasks. This working time is already “spent” for each official.

Fourth step

Next, the time for solving permanent tasks is calculated, which is then added to the time reserved for solving the program and other periodic tasks. Perhaps already here the manager will reveal the overload of individual employees, and he will have to change the historical distribution of responsibilities. But, most likely, this will not happen.

Fifth step

The estimated workload of employees must be superimposed on the actual staffing table. Make a similar table based on it and calculate the daily and monthly estimated load for each position. After that, for each position, you should add a margin of time in the amount of 20% of paid time per working day (eight hours), month (approximately 180 hours), quarter, year for solving one-time and episodic tasks.

Sixth step

If the completed table contains posts where the load exceeds seven hours a day or 165 hours a month, it is necessary to transfer some of the tasks to those positions where the load turned out to be less than seven hours.